Each state has its own laws and everyone, including tourists must comply. There are a few rules to keep in mind modesty while on holiday in Dubai, UAE.
As a country that adheres to the legal system of Islam, Dubai has strict regulations in some parts. As an example, tourists can not express the romance in public. Instead of kissing, holding hands in public is prohibited.
In 2010, a pair of travelers from the UK had been detained for a month for kissing in public. Applicable regulations there is no romance exhibit in public, including holding hands or kissing.
Here are some rules of the Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing:
You are allowed to drink alcoholic beverages if you’ve aged 21 years and above. However, drinking in public places or drunk in a public place is not at all justified.
Other regulations, cursing, spitting, act aggressively and smoking outside the permitted areas are actions that violate the rules. The men usually shake hands when they meet each other, but for the women asked not to lend a hand to man.
For men, be careful when viewed Arab women. Because the regulations, men should avoid staring at the face of local women, even just staring, contact problems, it is better to avoid looking Arab woman.
Vacation time to Dubai, female tourists should wear modest clothing. Wearing clothes that open the top or bottom is too short in public places, are not allowed. Wear a swimsuit or bikini can be when you’re at the pool or beach area. Additionally there, wearing minimal clothing is not allowed.
The last rule is, travelers should always wear men’s clothes. Men should never be showing chest or face action if they violate these rules.